søndag den 18. oktober 2009

All by myself

Aren't we all alone. Sometimes I feel surrounded by A LOT of people, all talking to me or with friends, but I feel like I'm in a bubble. Do they really care? Do I really care?

Beyonce "me, myself and I that's all I got". Really? I'd like to think we're all depending on each other, which I also believe in, but sometimes the world seem so cold.

In the news, people are killing each other all around the world. People are not helping starving and sick kids. Social systems are messed up and it's horrible. I wanna save the world.

A danish singer sings "we always find the answer within ourselves" I agree.. Your heart and the feeling in your stomach will reveal what you think the answer is, but it's not neccesarily what you portray.

I just finished reading a book. On of the main caracters feels alone. She wants to love someone or doesn't really know if that's what's missing? She likes being alone, but also doesn't think she'd fit in with society, cause she works with dead bodies, seeing how they died...

I clearly remember an episode of "The city" that runs on MTV with the wonderful Whitney. She's down cause of problems with the bf and Diane von Furstenberg says something like this: "the best relationship you can have is the one you have with yourself, cause you'll always have yourself" I just remember that clearly, cause that's so true!

just a thought...

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